Final Notice

On , the Financial Conduct Authority issued a Final Notice to Edward John Booth



Edward John Booth


The Financial Conduct Authority (the ‘Authority’) has made an order prohibiting

Mr Booth from performing any function in relation to any regulated activities

carried on by any authorised or exempt persons, or exempt professional firm (the

‘Prohibition Order’). The Prohibition Order is effective from the date of this Final


Mr Booth agreed to settle at an early stage of the Authority’s investigation.


Individuals engaged in the provision of financial services must not resort to

providing false and misleading information to customers in order to induce or

encourage customers to pay fees and charges for services. This is particularly the

case where customers may be susceptible to such inducements by reason of

economic hardship. Ensuring that customers are treated fairly and not subjected


to dishonest marketing tactics is important to the Authority’s consumer protection


Mr Booth was a director and shareholder of Secure My Money Limited (the ‘Firm’

or ‘Secure My Money’), an online credit broker. The Firm ran various websites

under different brands including LoanZoo, i-loansdirect, and The1Loan.

Between 15 November 2013 and 30 May 2014 (the ‘Relevant Period’), Mr Booth

demonstrated a lack of honesty and integrity in that he caused or permitted the

Firm to present false and misleading information to its customers and treat its

customers unfairly by:

Running a credit broker which claimed to search hundreds of lenders and

to match customers to the best loan offers but which simply presented all

customers with the same standard list of offers (many of which were not

even lenders);

Misrepresenting to customers that they had been approved by a lender for

a loan when they had not;

Failing to make it clear that a fee would be charged (with some customers

unaware they were dealing with a broker);

Misrepresenting to customers that it was taking card payment details for

the purposes of account verification when it was taking card details in

order to deduct fees;

Passing customer information to third parties other than lenders without

consent, including dishonestly redirecting customers attempting to access

loan offers to a third party for re-sale of those customers’ details, thereby

creating a risk that the Firm’s customers would be redirected to other

credit brokers and charged further fees;

Charging customers monthly “membership fees” without consent; and

Failing to pay refunds to customers who had requested them in a timely

manner (or in some cases at all).

In addition, Mr Booth permitted a third party, Mr Mark Robert Kennedy to operate

his own fee charging credit broker under cover of the Firm’s Consumer Credit


Licence (and from 1 April 2014, under cover of the Firm’s Interim Permission from

the Authority). In total, Mr Booth permitted the Firm to transfer over £3.3 million

of fees paid by customers to Mr Kennedy.

Mr Booth also permitted or caused funds properly owing to the Firm to be diverted

to another company to whom the funds were not legitimately payable in order to

benefit himself and his fellow directors.

Furthermore, in May 2014, Mr Booth made a false and misleading statement to

the Authority that the Firm’s websites were closed to new customers when he

knew that they were not. He also allowed a fellow director to make false and

misleading statements to the Authority that the Firm did not charge customers

any fees other than an up-front fee and only passed customer information on to

lenders, when he knew that both statements were untrue.

The Firm received customer fees totalling over £7.2 million between 15 November

2013 and 31 July 2014, of which approximately £1,432,077 was refunded to

customers. Mr Booth personally received at least £148,877.57 from the Firm’s

trading activities from the start of the Relevant Period until the Firm went into

voluntary liquidation on 31 July 2014.

The Authority considers the actions of Mr Booth to be particularly serious as the

Firm’s customer base included customers on low incomes least able to afford the

Firm’s fees and charges. One customer stated that: “I am a young, vulnerable

single mother on basic benefits who also suffers with depression. The fact that

you have taken payments from my account without permission has made my

financial situation worse and had a negative effect on my mental health and well-

being.” Another customer stated that she had been left with no money to feed her

child as a result of being charged a fee without her knowledge

The Authority therefore made an order, pursuant to section 56 of the Act,

prohibiting Mr Booth from performing any function in relation to any regulated

activities carried on by any authorised or exempt persons, or exempt professional


2.10. The Authority considers that this Prohibition Order is necessary and proportionate

and that it supports the Authority’s operational objective of securing an

appropriate degree of protection for consumers.


The definitions below are used in this Final Notice.

“the Act” means the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000

“the Authority” means the Financial Conduct Authority

“the Tribunal” means the Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber)


Mr Booth was a director of Secure My Money, an online credit broker based in

Macclesfield, Cheshire. The Firm was incorporated on 21 July 2011. It held a

Consumer Credit Licence from the Office of Fair Trading from 25 April 2012, and

from 1 April 2014, when consumer credit regulation transferred to the Authority,

an Interim Permission to conduct credit brokerage and debt counselling activities.

The directors at the Firm during the Relevant Period were as follows:

Mr Booth was a director between 21 July 2011 and 30 May 2014, before

resigning from the Firm on 30 May 2014.

Mr Christopher Paul Brotherton was a director between 15 June 2012 and

18 March 2014, and then remained with the Firm as an employee until 30

May 2014.

Mr David James Carter Mullins was a director between 01 April 2013 and

30 May 2014 (and was reappointed as a director on 11 June 2014).

Mr Kennedy was a director after the Relevant Period, between 30 May 2014 and

11 June 2014.

The Firm operated various websites under different brands including i-Loansdirect

and LoanZoo. From 15 November 2013, the Firm also operated a website branded

The1Loan on behalf of Mr Kennedy. Other than in respect of branding, the

websites were materially the same.


Secure My Money’s websites – the customer journey

The Firm did not advertise, and only a small minority of customers went direct to

the Firm’s websites. For these ‘direct’ customers, the customer journey began

with the home page and proceeded through a series of pages in which customers

were prompted to provide personal information about their circumstances and

borrowing requirements before arriving at the “landing page” described in

paragraphs 4.10-4.14 below. These webpages disclosed that the Firm was a credit

broker not a lender and contained a statement that ‘We search hundreds of


The significant majority of the Firm’s customers first arrived on the Firm’s website

having been directed from third party lead generation websites. The Firm bought

customer ‘leads’ in the form of basic information about the customer’s personal

circumstances and borrowing requirements from the lead generation companies.

Customers seeking a loan who entered their details into a loan-finding function on

the lead generator’s website were redirected by the lead generator to one of

Secure My Money’s websites. In the Relevant Period the Firm spent approximately

£1.8 million on leads for SMM’s business. This did not include leads purchased by

Mr Kennedy for his business operated through SMM.

Although not visible to the customer, the process by which the Firm acquired the

customer lead was fully automated via ‘pingtree’ software, which facilitated the

buying and selling of customer leads via an affiliate network. The affiliate network

was in effect an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of customer

information, with its members including lenders and other third parties such as

credit brokers. Secure My Money bought and sold customer information via

various affiliate networks. As described further at paragraph 4.38, the Firm

bought customer leads from an affiliate via a pingtree, and then sold the

customer’s details to another affiliate which may send the customer through a

different pingtree.

A pingtree works by arranging ‘buyers’ of leads into tiers based on the price they

are willing to pay for a customer lead. Some buyers within a pingtree are only

willing to purchase leads with particular characteristics. The buyers willing to pay

the most are offered a lead first. The lead is then automatically offered to others

until a buyer purchases the lead or all the buyers in the pingtree are exhausted.

From the customers’ viewpoint, they were either presented with a page from the


website of the entity that had purchased the lead relating to them; or if no-one

had bought the lead, they received a message from the lead generator informing

them that it had been unable to find a loan for them.

Customers whose “lead” information had been purchased by Secure My Money

were redirected to the “landing page” of the website of one of Secure My Money’s

brands as described in paragraphs 4.10-4.14 below.

The LoanZoo landing page

4.10. The majority of the Firm’s customers obtained from lead generators arrived on the


‘Congratulations, [Name of applicant], you’ve been approved’.

4.11. Below this appeared the following message:

‘To access your loan offers, simply complete the form below to verify your

account. Once verified you could have your money same day!’

4.12. On the left hand side, the Landing Page included a “sample loan” box setting out

details of a loan agreement, including an agreement number, the customer’s

username, the amount requested, the loan term, an application ID, agreement


start date, total amount repayable and estimated monthly repayment. Within the

same box were the words ‘Our Fees & Charges’ together with a monetary amount

corresponding to the fee charged by the Firm.

4.13. On the right hand side, the words ‘Please verify your account’ appeared above

input boxes for debit or credit card details. Within a narrow scrollable box were

the first few lines of the Firm’s terms and conditions, and immediately below that

was a prominent yellow button labelled ‘GET MY LOAN’.

4.14. The terms and conditions varied slightly across the Firm’s brands and over time.

The examples the Authority has seen contained disclosures about the Firm’s fees

and charges and the use it would make of the customer’s personal data. However,

this information was not visible unless the customer scrolled down within the

terms and conditions box.

The “membership area”

4.15. Customers who clicked on the ‘GET MY LOAN’ button were sent to a set of pages

known as the “membership area”. At the top of the first page were the words:

‘Congratulations on your membership. Please browse our site to find some great

offers that we have matched to your specific criteria. We have searched over 269

lenders to find options that are available for you.

You have already been pre-approved for this product so apply now’.

4.16. The page displayed a list of icons of various entities. Customers could choose to

click on one or more of these icons. They included a few well known payday

lenders as well as companies offering non-loan products such as mobile phone

contracts and other credit brokers.

How Secure My Money’s websites misled customers

The landing page

4.17. As explained at paragraph 4.10-4.12 above, customers searching for loans online

were told they had ‘been approved’ and shown a “sample loan” appearing to

match their borrowing requirements. However, the Firm did not contact or send

customer information to any lenders. The ‘sample loan’ was populated from

information about the customers’ borrowing needs gathered from customers

(either by the Firm or by the lead generator) and had not come from a lender,

despite the customer purportedly being given an “agreement number” and

“agreement start date”.

4.18. In interview, Mr Booth said that ‘you’ve been approved’ meant the customer had

been accepted to access the Firm’s panel of lenders. Mr Booth admitted that there

were no loan offers waiting for customers, but asserted that certain lenders would

lend to anyone with a guarantor. Mr Booth claimed this was ‘industry standard’,

and that other credit brokers used the same process. However, Mr Booth later told

the Authority that ‘the calibre of person you're dealing with…if [they have]

defaulted with a payday lender, they’re not going to get a loan no matter what

brokerage they go through’. Mr Booth also told the Authority ‘in my honest

opinion, the whole industry is pointless…it’s a pointless exercise, isn’t it? At the

end of the day it’s just churning people’s information round and round. It’s not

really a proper process’. Mr Booth did not accept that the Firm’s fees were

unclear or that the wording ‘verify your account’ was misleading.

4.19. One customer who had visited the Firm’s website told the Authority that he

thought he was dealing with a lender. He said ‘I believed I had been approved for

the loan I required as the page stated “you’ve been approved” and the sample

loan agreement showed the loan I wanted.’ He added that he thought he was

entering his card details so that his debit card could be verified in preparation for

the repayment of the loan. This was consistent with his previous experience of

payday lenders who typically checked that the customer’s debit or payment card

was active before releasing funds.

The membership area

4.20. Despite the statements on the Firm’s websites that it searched “hundreds of

lenders”, or “269 lenders”, Mr Booth admitted in interview that the same standard

list of “offers” was presented to all customers in the membership area.

4.21. As Mr Booth knew, the “offers” included icons of payday lenders who could easily

be found free of charge via an internet search engine. Some “offers” were not loan

providers, for example offers of free insulation or guaranteed mobile telephone


4.22. The Firm’s systems recorded whether or not customers clicked on offers, but did

not communicate with lenders to see which (if any) customers had been offered


The Firm’s fees and charges

4.23. The Firm’s fees varied across its brands and increased over time. However, for the

majority of the Relevant Period, the Firm charged customers a fee of between

£39.99 and £69.99 for its services. From around May 2014, the Firm also began

charging customers a recurring monthly fee of £4.99 in addition to the up-front


4.24. Under the Firm’s terms and conditions, if the fee could not be collected at the first

attempt because the customer had insufficient funds, the Firm could make

continued attempts to collect the fee on a daily basis for up to the next 60 days.

As a result, fees could be charged to the customer’s account as and when

sufficient funds became available, for example when the customer’s wages or

benefit payments were credited to their account. In total the Firm took in over

£7.2 million from customers in fees during the Relevant Period in relation to

SMM’s and Mr Kennedy’s businesses, incurring card processing fees of

approximately £1 million from service providers.

4.25. Throughout the Relevant Period, the Firm received complaints from customers

claiming to have been unaware that they would be charged a fee. The size of the

fee had a significant impact on customers with low incomes. For example, one

customer wrote to the Firm stating “I am a young, vulnerable single mother on

basic benefits who also suffers with depression. The fact that you have taken

payments from my account without permission has made my financial situation

worse and had a negative effect on my mental health and well-being.” Another

customer told the Firm that she was unaware that a fee would be charged and

had been left with no money to feed her child.

4.26. Approximately 20% of the Firm’s customers requested a refund from the Firm,

and a further 5% obtained ‘chargebacks’ via their card issuer. Between January

2014 and late May 2014, the Financial Ombudsman Service received 656

complaints about the Firm. Mr Booth was aware that the Firm received high

numbers of complaints from customers who stated that they were unaware they

would be charged. Mr Booth was aware of the wording on the websites but failed

to take action to improve disclosure of fees or remove misleading information

about the nature of the service provided by the Firm. In fact, the Firm did revise

its wording for its landing page on or around 26 March 2014 at the suggestion of

an employee. The new landing page was briefly live, and clearly set out that a

payment would be taken and when, but was taken off-line and replaced with the

original landing page on 8 April 2014 because its use had led to a fall in the

numbers of customers entering their card details and a corresponding drop in

revenue for the Firm. Mr Booth was aware of this also.

4.27. The serious consequences for some customers of unexpected fees were

aggravated by the Firm’s delay in paying customer refunds. Under the Firm’s

cancellation procedures, customers were entitled to a full refund if they requested

one within 14 days, and thereafter to a refund less a £5 administration charge.

However, customers were obliged to wait for a minimum of 30 days before the

refund was paid. A standard email was sent to the customer in the following


‘we can confirm receipt of your cancellation form, we do condition 30 days

as our basic time frame as we need to notify the individual lenders we

contacted on your behalf to ensure that you have not entered in to any

financial agreements with them……..having hundreds of lenders means this

process takes time, it is in your interests this happens as this will ensure

lenders desist from contacting you with potential solutions and stop

working on your behalf to find you a loan’

4.28. Mr Booth knew that this was misleading as the Firm did not search for or contact

lenders and had no means of ascertaining whether the customer had received a

loan. In addition, receiving a refund did not affect whether third parties continued

to send marketing messages to customers.

4.29. Another route to obtain a refund of the fee was for customers to request a

“chargeback” or refund from their card provider, most commonly on the grounds

that they had not authorised the payment of the fee. Between 01 November 2013

and 31 July 2014, 14,246 of the Firm’s customers requested chargebacks.

However, as Mr Booth knew, it was the Firm’s policy to defend chargeback

requests where customers claimed not to have authorised the payment of the fee

by producing copies of the website terms and conditions referring to the fee and

the landing page on which the customer had entered their card details. As Mr

Booth knew, the terms and conditions were not visible to customers unless they

had scrolled down through the text box on the landing page, and the request for

card details was misleading in that it did not state that a fee would be charged

but asked customers to provide card details in order to “verify your account”. In

the circumstances, whether or not customers received a refund could depend on

whether they requested a refund from the Firm or applied to their card provider

for a chargeback. The Firm did not tell customers who had been refused a

chargeback under the card scheme rules that they could still obtain a refund from

the Firm.

4.30. A number of customers who requested refunds from the Firm did not get them.

For example, Customer A first wrote to the Firm on 2 May 2014 saying that she

had never been on the website and asking for a refund. After an interval of 12

days, the Firm sent the standard email set out in paragraph 4.27 above, but did

not repay the £58.99 fee.

4.31. In total approximately £1.4 million was repaid to customers in chargebacks and

refunds during the Relevant Period. At the instigation of SMM’s bankers and

liquidators, not by Mr Booth and his fellow directors, a further £33,564.17 was

repaid to customers after the Firm had gone into liquidation.

“Membership” fees

4.32. On 10 April 2014, Mr Kennedy made certain proposals to Mr Booth, Mr Mullins and

Mr Brotherton for changes to the Firm’s services in order to increase revenue. This

included a suggestion for charging customers a recurring monthly £4.99

membership fee in addition to the existing fee.

4.33. At this time the Firm’s customer terms and conditions did not permit the Firm to

charge customers any fees other than the initial fee. Terms and conditions

emailed to a customer on 13 April 2014 did not provide for a monthly

membership fee. The terms and conditions were changed in order to provide for

charging monthly membership fees on or shortly after 14 May 2014.

4.34. On 14 May 2014, Mr Kennedy sent instructions to the Firm’s IT consultant to set

up monthly payment runs of £4.99 for all existing customers, backdated to 1

March 2014. Mr Booth received that email. Mr Booth knew that the Firm had no

contractual right to collect monthly fees from existing customers.

4.35. In addition, as Mr Booth knew, just as in the case of the up-front fees, customers

would only know that they would be charged recurring fees if they had read

through the terms and conditions on the Firm’s website.

Misuse of customer information

4.36. In addition to purchasing customer leads, the Firm sold on customer information

it had collected on its websites or purchased from lead generators to third parties

in return for commission payments. The Authority has not been able to determine

the amount earned by selling data, as the proceeds were not always passed

through the Firm’s books.

4.37. One customer told the Authority that after visiting The1Loan website he was

‘bombarded with marketing in the form of text messages, emails and sometimes

telephone calls’. He said that sometimes he received up to 30 text messages in

one day.

4.38. Another method by which the Firm passed customer information to others was by

inserting a link to a pingtree underneath the icon of a lender in the members’

area, in the place of a link to the lender. Customers who clicked on the lender’s

icon in the expectation of being transferred to the lender’s website were instead

sent down a pingtree without their knowledge, and redirected to the website of

whichever entity had purchased their data in that pingtree. The purchaser could

have been another fee charging credit broker rather than a lender, giving rise to

the risk that customers could be charged a further fee by another credit broker.

Mr Mullins was responsible for instigating this practice, but Mr Booth was aware of

it and benefitted financially from it.

4.39. On 19 May 2014 the Authority asked the Firm to investigate why customers who

had visited the Firm’s websites were complaining of having been charged fees by

multiple credit brokers (see paragraph 4.50 below). On that date Mr Kennedy

performed tests on the Firm’s website, after which he sent an email to Mr Booth,

Mr Mullins and Mr Brotherton as follows:

‘I clicked all links in my portal and either got a broken link or another fee charger.

I am certain some numpty customer then went on to fill the form in again and

paid twice leading to this issue. I have turned it off in the1loan. ‘

4.40. When the Authority directly questioned the Firm about the customers being

charged fees by other credit brokers after visiting the Firm’s websites, Mr Booth

failed to inform the Authority of the possibility that the redirection of the Firm’s

customers to a pingtree was the cause of customers incurring multiple fees.

The1Loan brand and the relationship with Mr Kennedy

4.41. The Firm’s relationship with Mr Kennedy commenced in September 2013 when it

approached him for a short term loan of £100,000 and for access to his technical

expertise to help develop a new credit brokerage platform in return for a 25%

shareholding in the Firm. Mr Kennedy agreed to these proposals. On 15 November

2013, Mr Kennedy proposed to Mr Booth, Mr Mullins and Mr Brotherton that he

should run his brand The1Loan through the Firm’s merchant accounts as his own

‘private white label fee charger’ and keep the proceeds for himself. Mr Kennedy

I’ll pump in the cash later this morning…….

To reciprocate I’d like to borrow one [bank] MID [merchant identification

account] (unused) from the business and run my own Pingtree traffic down

this as a white label, using my tech platform and brand the1loan.

Loanzoo, ispy, i-loansdirect etc can run as normal dow [sic] the remaining

MIDs, (though I suggest we dread the load) and Dave will canvass all the

usual suspects for traffic.

In effect the1loan will become thepaydaynetworks, private white label fee

charger which it keeps the proceeds of. Proceeds down the other brands

from all the other pingtrees are SMM’s as normal.

Sure you’re all cool with lending the MID, let me know gents. Be around all

next week as we’re finally live.

4.42. Mr Kennedy’s proposal was accepted, and the Firm agreed to transfer all the

proceeds of The1Loan brand to Leadgen (UK) Limited (“Leadgen”), a firm of which

Mr Kennedy was both a director and shareholder. The Firm provided

administration services for The1Loan brand, including collecting in and

transferring fees for The1loan brand to Leadgen daily, and dealing with customer

complaints and refunds on its behalf. The Firm handled refunds by paying them

out from its own funds on a daily basis and invoicing them back to Leadgen

weekly. The Firm also charged Leadgen 50% of the cost of the Firm’s customer

services staff salaries and certain other overheads of the Firm. Mr Kennedy alone

dealt with purchasing leads for The1loan.

4.43. In March 2014, Mr Kennedy agreed to pay Mr Booth and the other directors

personally (not the Firm) the sum of £10,000 per month each for continued use of

the Firm’s merchant account. However, he did not in fact make any such


4.44. Between 21 November 2013 and 12 June 2014 over £3.3 million in customer fees

was transferred from the Firm’s accounts to an account of Leadgen under the

above arrangements.

Misuse of the Firm’s funds

4.45. Between 6 January 2014 and 19 August 2014, a series of payments were received

into a bank account in the name of a non-trading company called Affiliate Tree

Limited (“Affiliate Tree”). Mr Booth was the founder and sole shareholder of

Affiliate Tree, as well as a director. Mr Brotherton and Mr Mullins were both

directors of Affiliate Tree.

4.46. Of the payments received into Affiliate Tree’s bank account, payments totalling

£124,617.09 were received from third parties as payment for customer data

(leads) that these parties received from the Firm. The Firm had purchased these

leads from other lead generators.

4.47. A further £50,000 was received into Affiliate Tree’s bank account from another

online credit broker as payment for use of the Firm’s IT platform.

4.48. These payments, totalling £174,617.09, were split by Mr Booth, Mr Mullins, and

Mr Brotherton and their respective shares in the payments were transferred from

Affiliate Tree’s bank account into their personal bank accounts.

4.49. In the Authority’s view, the monies received by Affiliate Tree belonged to the

Firm, since it was the Firm which had acquired the customer data and it was the

Firm which had rights to the IT platform. These monies should therefore have

been paid to the Firm, but were misappropriated by Mr Booth, Mr Mullins, and Mr

Brotherton for their own benefit.

Misleading the Authority

4.50. On 19 May 2014, having received numerous complaints about the Firm from

customers, the Authority contacted the Firm. The Authority’s immediate concern

was the possibility that customers’ card details were being held insecurely, as it

had received reports that certain customers who had entered their card details on

the Firm’s websites had also had been charged fees by other credit brokers

without the customers’ consent. The Authority also informed the Firm that some

customers were claiming not to have been aware that the Firm would charge a

fee, or had believed their card details were required for identification purposes


4.51. Mr Booth was not the author of all communications between the Authority and

representatives of the Firm in this period, but responses from others were

discussed with or circulated to him in draft prior to sending, and he knew what

the Authority was being told.

4.52. On 20 May 2014 Mr Booth sent to the Authority screen shots of web pages from

what he said were “both our sites”; these were webpages for LoanZoo and i-

loansdirect but not for The1loan website, the existence of which was not disclosed

to the Authority. Mr Booth attempted to allay the Authority’s concerns about

customers visiting the Firm’s sites being charged fees by third parties by

providing information about the security of the payments area of the sites. No

mention was made of the possibility that customers were being charged fees by

third parties as a result of the Firm having redirected customers in the

membership area of the website to other credit brokers’ websites without

customers’ knowledge, despite Mr Kennedy pointing this out at the time as the

probable cause of multiple fees being incurred.

4.53. Following the Authority’s request for the customer websites to be taken down, on

20 May 2014 Mr Kennedy amended the The1loan customer website to add a

member log in box to the home page. This prevented any new customers on

The1loan’s home page from progressing any further through the website. Mr

Kennedy emailed Mr Booth, Mr Mullins and Mr Brotherton to inform them that

‘the1loan site looks down with a member login dialog sitting above a grey’d out

site’. Later on the same day Mr Kennedy sent a further email to Mr Booth, Mr

Mullins and Mr Brotherton in relation to the other websites operated by the Firm,

suggesting that ‘we can always “take them down” for now like the1loan appears

taken down but we all know is not’. Mr Mullins then sent an email to the Firm’s

external IT consultant asking him to “change loanzoo and I-loans to mirror the log

in only site that is now 1loan ASAP please?”. This was duly done.

4.54. Later on 20 May 2014, Mr Booth informed the Authority that the two websites he

had disclosed to the Authority would be closed to new customers ultimately by

10am the next day although existing customers would still be able to log in to the

sites. Mr Booth’s statement was false and misleading because most new

customers were transferred to the landing pages from third party lead generators’

websites and never saw the home pages. There were no log ins or other

restrictions for new customers entering the sites on the landing pages, and the

Firm continued to trade, collect fees from new customers and purchase leads from

lead generators. The Firm received £295,163.93 in customer fees between 20 May

2014 and 25 June 2014 (when the Firm’s websites were no longer able to process

payments due to the Firm’s merchant account being frozen), and spent at least

£78,601 on acquiring leads. The Authority recognises that some of these

customer fees may relate to customers signing up before 20 May 2014 and further

that Mr Booth had resigned from the Firm by 30 May 2014. However, it is clear

that the Firm continued to allow new customers to sign-up for services after Mr

Booth had told the Authority that its websites were closed to new customers.

4.55. Mr Booth was further aware that Mr Mullins made false and misleading statements

to the Authority but took no steps to correct Mr Mullins’ statements. On 29 May

2014, in an email to the Authority copied to Mr Booth, Mr Mullins falsely stated

that the Firm’s fee structure was a ‘one-off payment of either £54.99 or £58.99

across all brands to act as a financial broker for 6 months’ when as Mr Booth knew

the Firm had implemented recurring monthly membership fees of £4.99 in

addition to the ‘one-off’ fee. In the same email Mr Mullins certified that the Firm

only passed customer information on to lenders, which Mr Booth also knew to be

untrue, and failed to disclose key information relating to the possible cause of

certain customers being charged by multiple credit brokers, simply telling the

Authority that it had ‘performed numerous full system tests….to try to establish

where the problem lies’.


The regulatory provisions relevant to this Final Notice are referred to in Annex A.

Lack of Honesty and Integrity

Operating an unfair and misleading customer website

As Mr Booth knew, the Firm’s websites gave customers the misleading impression

that the Firm would search for a loan matching their borrowing requirements if

they provided personal information about themselves, including their card details.

The true purpose of collecting customer information on the Firm’s websites was

first to populate a ‘sample loan’ agreement in order to deceive the customer into

believing a loan offer had been made and provide their card details for the fee,

and secondly to sell on customer data (excepting card details) to third parties.

At all times Mr Booth knew that:

The Firm’s website did not search for lenders;

The Firm’s website did not “approve” customers for a loan;

The “sample loan agreement” was not an offer of a loan;

Customers’ card details were not required to verify their


Information about fees in the Firm’s terms and conditions

was not visible to customers unless they scrolled through

them so many customers were unaware that they would be

charged a fee;

Information about the use the Firm would make of

customers’ personal data in the Firm’s terms and conditions

was also not visible unless customers scrolled through them

so many customers were unaware personal information

about them would be passed to third parties.

Mr Booth was aware of the wording on the website, and was aware of customer

complaints about unauthorised payment charges. He was also aware that from

around 8 April 2014 when clearer disclosure of fees was given, fewer customers

were willing to provide card details, and that changes to the Firm’s websites to

improve clarity of fee disclosure were reversed as soon as they impacted the

Firm’s revenue.

Charging customers monthly “membership fees” without consent

On or around 14 May 2014, the Firm implemented membership fees and updated

its terms and conditions. Mr Booth was aware that Mr Kennedy had arranged for

recurring monthly membership fees of £4.99 to be taken backdated to 1 March

2014, when he was aware that the firm’s terms and conditions did not permit it to

charge monthly fees until 14 May 2014.

Failing to pay refunds

Mr Booth knew at all times that customers seeking refunds were being impeded

from obtaining them, first by the imposition of a month-long waiting period for

paying refunds, and secondly by the Firm’s policy of defending chargeback claims

from customers on the grounds that they had voluntarily provided card details

and that fees were disclosed in the terms and conditions despite the fact that the

Firm’s websites contained misleading information about the reasons card details

were required, and that customers would not see the fee information unless they

scrolled through the terms and conditions.

Misuse of customers’ personal information

Mr Booth knew that the Firm’s website did not make it clear to customers that

personal information about them could be passed on to third parties for marketing

purposes. In particular, he knew that no upfront disclosure of the Firm’s data

processing policy was provided and information in the terms and conditions was

not visible to customers unless they scrolled through the terms and conditions.

Mr Booth was aware that Mr Mullins made changes to the Firm’s website which

resulted in customers clicking on loan offers being sent down a pingtree knowing

that this created a risk that other credit brokers would also charge the customers


Allowing Mr Kennedy to operate his own credit broker under cover of the

Firm’s licence/Interim Permission

Mr Booth permitted Mr Kennedy to run his own credit broker business under cover

of the Firm’s consumer credit licence and interim permission. He permitted the

Firm to misrepresent to the Authority that The1loan was a trading name of the

Firm when he knew it was at all times Mr Kennedy’s own trading name. In doing

so he enabled Mr Kennedy to sidestep the regulatory authorisation requirements

designed to protect consumers.

Diverting funds from the Firm for his own benefit

5.10. Mr Booth permitted or caused £174,619.09 properly owing to the Firm to be

diverted to another company to whom the funds were not legitimately payable for

the benefit of himself and his fellow directors, and to the detriment of the

creditors of the Firm, who were in large part the Firm’s customers seeking


Misleading the Authority

5.11. Mr Booth made false and misleading statements to the Authority, and failed to

correct false and misleading statements to the Authority from others, with the

intention of preventing or delaying the Authority from taking action to prevent the

Firm from trading with new customers.


Given the nature and seriousness of the failings outlined above, the Authority

considers that Mr Booth’s conduct demonstrates a lack of honesty and integrity

such that it appears to the Authority that Mr Booth is not a fit and proper person

to perform any function in relation to any regulated activities carried on by any

authorised or exempt persons, or exempt professional firm.

The Authority considers that this action is necessary and proportionate and that it

supports the Authority’s operational objective of securing an appropriate degree of

protection for consumers.


Decision maker

7.1. The decision which gave rise to the obligation to give this Notice was made by the

Settlement Decision Makers.

7.2. This Final Notice is given under and in accordance with section 390 of the Act. The

following statutory rights are important.

Sections 391(4), 391(6) and 391(7) of the Act apply to the publication of

information about the matter to which this notice relates. Under those provisions,

the Authority must publish such information about the matter to which this Final

Notice relates as the Authority considers appropriate. The information may be

published in such manner as the Authority considers appropriate. However, the

Authority may not publish information if such publication would, in the opinion of

the Authority, be unfair to Mr Booth or prejudicial to the interest of consumers or

detrimental to the stability of the UK financial system.The Authority intends to

publish such information about the matters to which this Final Notice relates as it

considers appropriate.

Authority contacts

For more information concerning this matter generally, contact Paul Smith (direct

line: 020 7066 0410) of the Enforcement and Market Oversight Division of the


Financial Conduct Authority, Enforcement and Market Oversight Division

Annex A


1. The Authority’s operational objectives include securing an appropriate degree of

protection for consumers (section 1C of the Act).

2. Section 56(1) of the Act provides that the Authority may make a prohibition order

if it appears to it that an individual is not a fit and proper person to perform

functions in relation to a regulated activity carried on by an authorised person, an

exempt person, or designated professional person.

The Enforcement Guide (EG)

3. The Authority’s policy in relation to exercising its power to issue a prohibition

order is set out in chapter 9 of its Enforcement Guide.

4. EG 9.5.1 sets out that where the Authority is considering whether to make a

prohibition order against someone who is not an approved person, the Authority

will consider the severity of the risk posed by the individual and may prohibit him

where it considers that it is appropriate to achieve the Authority’s statutory


5. EG 9.5.2 provides that, when considering whether to exercise its power to make

a prohibition order against such an individual, the Authority will consider all the

relevant circumstances of the case. These may include, but are not limited to, the

factors set out in EG 9.3.2. Those factors include: whether the individual is fit and

proper to perform functions in relation to regulated activities (noting that criteria

are set out in FIT 2.1, 2.2. and 2.3); the relevance and materiality of any matters

indicating unfitness; the length of time since the occurrence of any matters

indicating unfitness; and the severity of the risk which the individual poses to

consumers and to confidence in the financial system.

Fit and Proper Test for Approved Persons (FIT)

6. The Authority has issued guidance on the fitness and propriety of individuals in


7. FIT 1.3.1BG(1) states that the most important considerations when assessing

the fitness and propriety of a person include that person’s honesty, integrity and


8. FIT 2.1.3G sets out that in determining a person’s honesty, integrity and

reputation, the Authority will have regard to all relevant matters including…

(5) whether the person has contravened any of the requirements and


requirements of other regulatory authorities (including a previous


(13) whether, in the past, the person has been candid and truthful in all

his dealings with any regulatory body and whether the person

demonstrates a readiness and willingness to comply with the requirements

and standards of the regulatory system and with other legal, regulatory

and professional requirements and standards.


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