Requirement Notice

On , the Financial Conduct Authority issued a Requirement Notice to the Company


THE OFT requires as follows:

Requirement 1

1. Money Advice Direct Limited (MADL) shall fully comply with the OFT

Debt Management Guidance (the Guidance) in its entirety by not

engaging in business practices which are deceitful or unfair or

improper (whether unlawful or not). In particular:

MADL shall ensure that its advertising of debt management

services (across all media types including websites) complies fully

with clause 2.2 – 2.4 of the Guidance. Specifically MADL's

advertising or promotional materials must:

1.1.1. Not claim or imply that savings will be made by rescheduling

debts, without making it clear that this will usually lead to an

increase in the sum to be repaid and the length of repayment


1.1.2. Not claim or imply that the service is free if a fee is payable

for a product at any stage (including nominee/upfront and

supervisory/administration fees) even if the initial advice is

free. Details of all fees will be stated prominently in the


1.1.3. Explain all of the advantages and disadvantages involved in

the different debt solutions available to the consumer and in

undertaking any service it provides them, and

1.1.4. Not imply that the service is impartial or independent or use

words to that effect

MADL shall make clear its commercial status and in doing so

shall not give the impression through any of its advertising that it

is a charity, not for profit, public sector or publicly funded

organisation. MADL shall not give the impression it is affiliated

with any of the above or imply it has some official status or

sanction from the Government. Specifically MADL's advertising or

promotional materials must comply with 2.2 and 2.27 of the

Guidance by ensuring:

1.2.1. MADL acts in the best interests of the consumer and,

1.2.2. MADL's advertisements and other promotional material must

be accurate and clear and must not mislead, either expressly or

by implication or omission.

MADL's advertising of debt solution products (across all media

types) shall comply fully with clauses 2.2 and 2.10 of the

Guidance. Specifically MADL's advertising or promotional

materials (including websites) shall ensure:

1.3.1. that it is made very clear that MADL does not provide or

administer debt solutions itself, and

1.3.2. consumers must be provided with adequate information

about the service to be provided by MADL including

information about the nature of the service that is being


Requirement 2

2. MADL shall fully comply with Requirement 1 and confirm in writing to

the OFT that its advertising is compliant by the date 21 days after the

date the requirements are imposed.

Requirement 3

3. MADL shall arrange for its compliance with the Guidance and the

requirements in this notice to be audited. The audit shall be conducted

by an organisation or individual, financially independent, excepting

remuneration for its services, from MADL, its controllers and/or

associates. The auditor shall provide a balanced review based on their

findings. Both the instructing material provided by MADL and results

of the audits are to be submitted directly by the auditor to the OFT.

The audit should be submitted to the OFT by the date 3 calendar

months after the date the requirements are imposed.


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